Compatibility Reports for Quake 3 Demo Test

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

SMP finally works! Tested in
RC1 with the pre-rc2 asus drivers on a TNT2ultra from Guillemot. Still
crashes if running an smp server and smp client at same time.
For those with Quake3 Arena & Win2K
RC3: Yes it ture the Quake3 Graphics do get bit mess up big time. This
seem to help a lot but it still mess up with this fix, extract the older
opengl32.dll & glu32.dll from RC2  md c:temp
change over to CDROM drive ?:cdi386 expand -r opengl.32.dl_ glu32.dl_ c:temp
then copy over to winntsystem32 folder

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows NT 4.0
