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According to one recent opinion, over 45% of all email sent over the Internet is unwanted and uninvited. This is a conservative estimate, we would say. While an average email account may start out pristine and useful, it quickly accumulates layers of spam like the age rings of a tree, until the whole thing collapses under its own weight. Private addresses are bad enough, but lord help you if you function with a public email address like we do. The best way of dealing with spam currently is through avoidance and redirection. If you use email, sooner or later you will start receiving spam; but if you can redirect this spam to a location where you don't have to look at it, it won't do you any harm. It's sort of like the 'if a tree falls in the forest...' question. If spam lands in an inbox, and no one is there to read it, does it really exist? Answer is, who cares?
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