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Microsoft has released System Center 2012 CTP for Windows Server "8" Beta support

This Community Technology Preview (“CTP”) enables System Center customers to jointly evaluate System Center 2012 and Windows Server “8” Beta. Customers should use this CTP for their evaluations of Windows Server “8” beta, and to provide Microsoft with feedback on both products. The CTP includes updates to the Virtual Machine Manager and Data Protection Manager components of System Center 2012.

Feature Bullet Summary: This CTP includes updates to the Virtual Machine Manager and Data Protection Manager components in support of new capabilities in Windows Server "8" Beta:

The CTP enables the Virtual Machine Manager component's management server to run on Windows Server “8” as well as managing virtual machines (VMs) hosted on Windows Server “8”. The CTP also enables management of new Windows Server “8” features in Virtual Machine Manager:
Creation of Hyper-V Virtual Networks using Hyper-V Network Virtualization
Creation of virtual machines using the VHDx format
SMB 2.2 file servers as storage for virtual machines in a clustered and non-clustered environment
Live migration and live storage migration

The CTP enables the Data Protection Manager component's repository and agents to run on Windows Server ‘8” as well as providing protection in Windows Server “8” environments. The CTP also adds protection for new features in Windows Server “8”:
Hyper-V Virtual Machines on Cluster Shared Volumes 2.0 (CSV2.0)
Hyper-V Virtual Machines on remote SMB share
Files on De-Duplicated Volumes

Release History:
3/9/2012 - Original release of en_us version. No further localization planned
  System Center 2012 CTP for Windows Server "8" Beta support