Simcity 3000 Unlimited and W2K

Okay I had it installed and running fine under W2K. . . . but i bought a new motherboard and had to reinstall W2K. . . . now Simcity 3000 Unlimited wont play. . . it will install. . . the scenario creater will work but the actual game wont ( it wont if i click on the button when the cd auto plays.

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Joined 2000-05-26
Okay I had it installed and running fine under W2K....but i bought a new motherboard and had to reinstall Simcity 3000 Unlimited wont will install ...the scenario creater will work but the actual game wont ( it wont if i click on the button when the cd auto wont if i click on it in the start menu, it wont if i start - run.....any help?

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