can't get to khan rank on mechwarrior 2 titanium edition

look i played mechwarrior 2 titanium edition and i beat it but the problem is even though i did all the tutorials it still starts me off as a cadet so i have to earn mechwarrior in campaign which makes it to which the highest rank i can get is galaxy commander instead of khan.

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Joined 2005-01-12
look i played mechwarrior 2 titanium edition and i beat it but the problem is even though i did all the tutorials it still starts me off as a cadet so i have to earn mechwarrior in campaign which makes it to which the highest rank i can get is galaxy commander instead of it a glitch or do i have to do the games tutorial trial of postion on hard to earn mechwarrior rank before the campaigns first trial of position to ensure i get khan rank?

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Responses to this topic


2 Posts
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Joined 2005-11-10
Ah, I love this game. My old 233mhz finally quit after I tried an upgrade a few months ago, and I'll never be able to play this game again.
Anyway. Your problem. You messed up in the trials. You didn't complete all of the rank phases in a trial. This happened by you not killing everyone or initiating another stage in time. Go back and make sure you reach every single rank available in all of the trials.
If that doesn't work, nothing will. Oh, and if you could do me a favor and tell me the words to the Plate O' Shrimp easter egg in the Falcon (I believe it is the Falcon) holoprojector, that would excellent. Go to the Archive holoprojector and click at the lower numbers on the menu choices, it should pop up. I actually wish I had the game just for those holoprojectors.
Good day.


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Joined 2005-11-12
'...You'll be thinking 'bout a plate o' shrimp, and out of the blue, somebody'll say 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate o' shrimp'. No explanation. And don't go lookin' for one neither.'


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Joined 2005-11-10
Thank you, BakNBlack.