Compatibility Reports for America Online 6.0 for Win2k

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit

Received the follow messages:
1) In WinXP Pro RC1 , AOL 6.0 for Windows 2000 works, but has some problems. Main thing I noticed was the buddy list simply does not work. The window is impossible to get started. Keyword Buddy or Buddylist causes an error to come up saying the operation timed out. Will test AOL 5.0 with XP and submit results as well.
2) works fine, but crashes every now and then, and then you have to reinstall

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit

America Online 6.0 for WinXP
Should join the beta testing, type beta in keyword to get AOL v6.0 for WinXP, works fine, only problem is that you cant see the html in profiles