Compatibility Reports for Jane's Fighter Anthology

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit

tells me I have a resolution problem. I am using 1028X768 now.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

Received the follow messages:
1) Works
2) I think someone need to explan how they were able to get this game to run under Windows 2000, I've tested it on Gforce 256 and Voodoo Banshee will no results of getting the game to run.
3) If installing on NTFS volume, ignore warning that drive may be not appropriate. Run game as per normal except put the RED FACD2 in the drive instead of the blue. Works 100% with my Nvidia TNT D3 drivers
4) Thanks to your site, I now have Fighters Anthology working under Win2k. The 2nd CD trick worked great.