Compatibility Reports for Unreal 2.26

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows Vista 64 Bit

This Win32 game installs fine and plays great. There is an unofficial patch available with updated OpenGL and Direct3D support. (

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

Received the follow messages:
1) New 2.26 update works great, however when exiting game, desktop goes to a black screen (but cursor is still seen when moved). Have to reboot (click on where your start button is and it should pop up) to bring back desktop. Using it with a v3 3000AGP with latest 3dfx win2000 drivers
2) Config: Athlon 900, GeForce2 MX. Direct3D mode works OK but is very slow, about equal to speed of Software Renderer (in comparison, speed in W98 was considerably faster even with maximum detail). No OpenGL results (Unreal doesn't recognize GeForce cards).