Compatibility Reports for War of the Worlds

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit

Got it working after installing a no-cd patch. Works great except no CD music just the stuff thats on the HDD.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

Received the follow messages:
1) Works under Win2000 with default settings and launching from wow.exe from HDD 640x480 is really bad, but at least it works.
2) Can't run WOW.EXE at all, just bombs out. Running under application compatability tool brings up "MSVCRT.DLL is not compatable with Win32s"

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows NT 4.0

Checks for Direct X5. DirectX5 hack for NT4 does not seem to fool the checker, so game does not run.