A few problems running Warcraft II Battle.net Edition on Vista

Greetings all. I'm at a loss what to do with this game. As a Windows 98/95/NT 4. 0 game it installed fine and launched fine. The problem is that I can't play campaign mode at all. The pre-mission briefing or whatever you wish to call it fails to play and the screen just remains black.

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Greetings all. I'm at a loss what to do with this game. As a Windows 98/95/NT 4.0 game it installed fine and launched fine. The problem is that I can't play campaign mode at all. The pre-mission briefing or whatever you wish to call it fails to play and the screen just remains black. I can play randomly generated scenarios, but I'm unable to select anything in the options for them. I just have to accept everything being default or random. I tried running compatibility mode but when I choose any of the operating systems as it says on the disk my drive doesn't read the disk anymore. I tried patching it from Blizzard's website and now it won't work at all. I'm stumped.

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Joined 2012-08-10
It is hard to say i can help you, because i think no body can help you !!!


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Joined 2011-12-29
bump for attention of more experienced people!Recently Mythic Saga has updated many features, including new mounts, new weapons and new UIs.