Creative - still nothing

It's now past the promised ' mid-March ' release of SB Live Win2k drivers and not a byte. I wish I was surprised. .

Windows Hardware 9627 This topic was started by ,


40 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-07
It's now past the promised ' mid-March ' release of SB Live Win2k drivers and not a byte.
I wish I was surprised.

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Responses to this topic


147 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-14
They never said "mid-March." If you look at their home page, it says "March." You have 13 days left. Be patient. The betas, as well as the Dell drivers were in good shape, I have no reason to believe they will miss the deadline.


40 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-07
I quote..
Q10. When can I download Creative's Windows 2000 drivers for my Sound Blaster Live!?
Creative will fully support Windows 2000 for the Sound Blaster Live! through a software package called Live!Ware for Windows 2000update.
This software package will be released Mid-March, 2000


31 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-16
they probably changed it on the website!


51 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-22
I agree with DrSchmoe about the Beta SB Live Drivers.
Just wait a little bit longer, and CL will release them.


23 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-06
creative is not bad for support look at diamond i dont think they even have planes to put out drivers for win2k.
all there website still says is will be released by win2k release date.
ya write i will by that bridge to.