OOo macro SQLException

Hi guys, Please indulge a newbie. I have a macro for sCalc that runs perfectly happily on an XP platform but generates this error on Vista:- BASIC runtime error. An exception occured Type com. sun.

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Hi guys,
Please indulge a newbie. I have a macro for sCalc that runs perfectly happily on an XP platform but generates this error on Vista:-
BASIC runtime error.
An exception occured
Message: .
(not the most helpful of errors I have ever come across!)
The relevant code is:
Sub connectToDatabase(database As String, username As String, password As String)
RowSet = createUnoService("")
RowSet.DataSourceName = database
RowSet.User = username
RowSet.password = password
End Sub
Sub sql1()
updateRowSet ("SELECT * FROM " + sType + " where " + sField + " = " + nENo)
Sub updateRowSet(sql As String)
RowSet.Command = sql
End Sub
The SQL command generated by the code works perfectly from the command line in MySQL and querytimeout returns a value of 0 in the code above.
I'm out of ideas and the various forums I've looked in don't cover such a bizarre response.
Any ideas? Ta muchly in advance

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