Stand-by and Hibernation Error

I have put my HP XT-983 to sleep and when I want to get it to wake up it says that Windows was shut down because of physical memory dumping? I have sent an error report to Microsoft several times regarding this issue.

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Joined 2002-07-15
I have put my HP XT-983 to sleep and when I want to get it to wake up it says that Windows was shut down because of physical memory dumping? I have sent an error report to Microsoft several times regarding this issue. It says on the OCA website that it is due they think it is regarding software or hardware that is installed on my system. I formatted my hard drive recently. Before I formatted it I did not have this problem. I had the same programs installed before as I do now? Can anybody please help me out?

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167 Posts
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Joined 2002-07-15
Doesn't anyone Know????? I would really like to use the standby and hibernation features.


167 Posts
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Joined 2002-07-15
Tks alecstaar.