Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System was designed with the belief that better project information enables better information technology decision making and forecasting. Visual Studio 2005 Team System also brings an unprecedented degree of visibility into the application development process by bringing together data from all aspects of the software development life cycle. Learn how to use this single repository of data to view your project as a whole, make comparisons, predict quality, vie...

MSDN Architecture Webcast: Shipping on Time and Under Budget with Visual Studio Team System (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

How will Row Level Versioning (RLV) affect your servers that run Microsoft SQL Server 2005? The second webcast in a two-part series, this webcast reviews how the new snapshot based isolation levels use row versions to minimize blocking. You will learn about the tools that can be helpful for keeping track of your row versions, like Dynamic Management Objects, Performance Monitor counters, and SQL Profiler. You will also become familiar with other features in SQL Server 2005 that use the new RLV ...

TechNet Webcast: Managing Concurrency in SQL Server 2005 (Part 2 of 2): Planning for and Troubleshooting Snapshot Isolation and Row Level Versioning (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Branch offices can be a vital and significant part of your business, and they can consume a large part of your information technology budget if your software, management strategy and network speeds are not designed to support branch office needs. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 includes technologies that are valuable for branch office organizations. Find out about the key benefits for branch offices that are included in the upcoming release of Windows Server 2003 R2. Learn how technologies suc...

TechNet Webcast: Branch Office Benefits in Windows Server 2003 R2 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

As mobile devices become a bigger part of the information technology infrastructure, device management becomes a bigger challenge. Join this webcast to learn how device management works on the Microsoft Windows Mobile platform. In this webcast, we demonstrate features, functionality and use of all components in the Windows Mobile Platform that provide device management capability. We discuss the messaging and security management feature pack to illustrate utilization of these features in an e...

TechNet Webcast: An Overview of the Messaging and Security Management Feature Pack for Enterprise Windows Mobile Device Management (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft Speech Server 2004 is an excellent means to create speech applications, but how do you connect them to the outside world? Don't miss this fun and fascinating insight into the murky world of telecom protocols. What is the difference between a T1 and an E1? Why could it be catastrophic to mix up A law and u law speech? How should you react if someone wants to rob your bits? This technical tutorial covers all the important stuff without getting stuffy. You also learn why the Aculab Telep...

TechNet Webcast: Aculab: Your Key to Worldwide Telephony for Microsoft Speech Server (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

New government and public sector initiatives require a high level of project visibility to help control risk and measure progress in monetary terms. Earned value solutions can provide this visibility, but many organizations find implementing them to be challenging. There is an increasing need for a combination of initiative status, statistical techniques and project management infrastructure to achieve earlier insight into project trends. This webcast shows you how to implement solutions that c...

Microsoft Webcast: Earned Value Reporting for Government Client Compliance

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 provides an integrated solution for managing and organizing e-mail messages, schedules, tasks, and contacts. Now see what else Outlook 2003 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 can do to help you work more efficiently. Send faxes from your desktop, protect information, and access your e-mail from remote locations using a familiar, easy-to-use interface. Join us for this informative webcast to learn our favorite tips and tricks for getting the most out of Outlook 2003...

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Top 10 Tips to Save Time in Office Outlook 2003 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005 databases are doing more valuable and more mission-critical work in information technology shops today than every before. This webcast presents a variety of best practices around maximizing SQL Server uptime and availability, while minimizing service disruption to your customers, using Quest's SQL LiteSpeed. Quest expert and SQL Server MVP Kevin Kline presents a variety of disaster recovery best practices, such as runbooks, application stack configuring, appli...

TechNet Webcast: Disaster Recovery Best Practices for SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Discover how to benefit from Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 with new and enhanced features designed to combat the influx of junk e-mail messages. Not only is spam a nuisance, but it can also be expensive in terms of lost productivity and depleted resources. This webcast introduces you to the Exchange Server 2003 anti-spam tools. You will learn about the built-in unsolicited commercial e-mail filtering tools that can stop spam at the gateway, and other filtering tools such as Accept and Deny l...

Momentum Webcast: Approaches to Fighting Spam in an Exchange Environment (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

More organizations are using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 to integrate and orchestrate composite solutions that span multiple systems and applications. Find out how to connect BizTalk to your existing line-of-business programs and data on IBM mainframe zSeries and midrange iSeries computers. Microsoft Host Integration Server 2004 offers efficient development tools and native runtime protocol engines that allow you to integrate your IBM heritage programs and data stores with BizTalk solutions...

MSDN Webcast: Extending BizTalk Solutions to IBM Systems Using Host Integration Server 2004 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

On behalf of Microsoft Federal, I would like to invite you to attend one or more of our monthly Collaboration Solutions Briefings.   See how you can improve group productivity and effectiveness using theMicrosoft Office System.   We will demonstrate our latest offerings, and have time to answer your questions....

Collaboration Solutions

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

As information technology (IT) infrastructures grow in size and complexity, developing and deploying reliable code quickly and effectively presents an ever-increasing challenge to the IT department. This webcast, aimed at developers and IT managers, shows how Microsoft Speech Server 2004 R2 delivers a low-cost, flexible development and deployment platform. Starting with high-level architectures, the presentation drills into the exciting new capabilities of the R2 release. From there the webca...

MSDN Webcast: Microsoft Speech Server 2004 R2: The Next Step for Enterprise Speech Solutions (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This webcast will provide the information you need to build and deploy Tablet PCs, leveraging the same Microsoft Windows XP image you have used for your notebook PCs! We show how to use the System Preparation Tool to deploy Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, which eliminates the need to maintain separate images for Tablet PCs and non-Tablet PCs. We show you some of our quick tips and best practices for building and maintaining a single image-helping to save you time and increase your ...

TechNet Webcast: Single Image Deployment with Tablet PC Edition 2005 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Do you need high availability for your Microsoft SQL Server environment? Join this webcast to learn how to use VERITAS Storage Foundation High Availability for Windows to optimize your SQL Server environment. This webcast provides a complete overview of the process, from configuring the storage, to configuring local and global availability, to providing complete online disaster recovery validation and testing. Included are best practices for building a SQL Server solution for performance, avail...

TechNet Webcast: Optimize Your SQL Server Environment for Availability with Storage Foundation for Windows (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Do you need to significantly increase productivity, produce more accurate and insightful financial data, and extend the value of accounting features and services? This webcast demonstrates how Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting 2006 and Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel and Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update integrate to provide an efficient and effective solution. Participants learn how to share financial history, manage and track billable time, forecast an...

Small Business Webcast: Integrating Small Business Accounting 2006 with Familiar Microsoft Office Programs (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

The future of your business depends on your ability to bring products to market efficiently. This webcast illustrates how the Microsoft Enterprise Project Management solution can help you reduce time to market, improve the productivity of both project managers and team members, and provide visibility into product release lifecycles. Gain a portfolio view over all of your new product development projects, allowing you to identify interdependencies and constraints between release dates, critical ...

Microsoft Webcast: Getting to Market Quickly: Keys to Efficient Product Development

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

With thousands of dollars in potential savings and revenue and with millions of dollars at stake, healthcare executives are looking for ways to improve their financial positions. The regulations defined by laws such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act provide a framework for establishing the controls and processes that help healthcare institutions secure and manage their financial resources more effectively. This webcast explores the benefits of...

Momentum Webcast: Financial Benefits of Voluntary Compliance for Non-Profit Healthcare Providers (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

With new online threats emerging everyday, businesses have to be vigilant in how they think about, plan for, and manage their information technology (IT) infrastructures and networks to guard against unwanted intrusions, data thefts, and other privacy breaches. Join this Security360 webcast, as Mike Nash and industry experts discuss the importance of protecting your company and your customer data. Learn how to get the right tools and information, and how to better protect and effectively manage...

Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: Security360 with Mike Nash: Managing Privacy in Your Organization

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn the details behind the Microsoft Information Technology (IT) Data Protection Manager (DPM) deployment, including the process they used for pre-deployment planning. Find out the lessons learned during and after the deployment process, as well as the operational details of running a day-to-day branch office data protection operation with DPM. In this webcast we detail the technology behind DPM and the planning that went into the Microsoft IT deployment of DPM. Presenter: Calvin Keaton, Ope...

TechNet Webcast: How Microsoft Does IT: Protecting the Branch with Data Protection Manager (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft Office Communicator 2005 and Microsoft Office Live Communications Server can provide your organization with a standards-based enterprise real-time communications platform. The Genesys Enterprise Telephony System product enables telephony on the Microsoft platform. The combined solution enables information workers to collaborate with customers and colleagues, access presence information and seamlessly manage telephone calls by leveraging the computer integration with desktop phones. P...

TechNet Webcast: Telephony-Enabled Microsoft Office Live Communications Server and Microsoft Office Communicator 2005 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Are you planning a migrating your Novell infrastructure to Microsoft Windows Server System? Join us for this 90-minute webcast and learn some of the best practices on how to start your migration process. This session covers planning, deployment and execution of migration using existing resources and tools. The presentation also reviews a technical case study of successful migration. Presenter: Drew Dennis, Solution Sales Specialist, Microsoft CorporationTo avoid possible problems, we suggest y...

TechNet Webcast: Migrating from Novell Infrastructure to Microsoft Windows Server System (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

As your organization continues to grow and cross-functional teams pull together to win new business, the costs and complexities of information access rises. Mid-sized companies desire to harness the return on investment from existing line-of-business applications while integrating relevant business data from disparate business systems. How do you do this? In this webcast we answer this question, and show you how Microsoft technologies can improve decision making and productivity in your organiz...

Momentum Webcast: Improve Organizational Productivity and Enable Employee Access to Important Information (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This opening webcast of this series looks at the Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF), and shows how to use the framework to control and manage an organization's infrastructure. The webcast outlines effective implementation and optimization of MOF to facilitate continuous improvement in an information technology organization. This webcast sets the framework for this 18-part series. Presenter: Keith Combs, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation Keith Combs is a Microsoft TechNet presenter on...

TechNet Webcast: A More Secure and Well-Managed Infrastructure (Part 1 of 18): Microsoft Operations Framework Overview (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Now that your database is in production, is it actually doing what you thought it would? This webcast, part nine in our series on proper Microsoft SQL Server 2005 development, focuses on the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Profiler and its capabilities. The SQL Server Profiler allows you to audit and analyze virtually all of the events that occur during the period of time you specify. It records all activity in SQL Server, and can send its output to a file, a table, or to the display window. We exa...

MSDN Webcast: A Primer to Proper SQL Server Development (Part 9 of 10): Profiling for Better Performance (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft ASP.NET Web services employs flexible open standards, making Web services an excellent mechanism for exposing functionality to clients and hosting middle tier business logic. However, Web services can be difficult to secure because of the limitations of standards and the need to support a wide variety of client types. This webcast describes how to develop and apply authentication, authorization, and secure communication techniques to improve the security of Web services in Microsoft A...

MSDN Webcast: Securing ASP.NET Web Services (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

In the forthcoming Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0, new controls and configuration files are available to facilitate navigation and implement a site structure definition. In this webcast, focused solely on navigation and site maps in the new ASP.NET, we take a detailed look at how these two features have been designed to work in conjunction with each other. We cover topics like the XML schema that specifies the site map, using multiple sources, customizing the navigation controls, and more.Presenter: B...

MSDN Webcast: A Closer Look at Navigation and Site Maps in ASP.NET 2.0 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This six-part series presents a comprehensive introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services for developers. The fifth webcast in this series focused on SQL Server Reporting Services extensibility. In this sixth and final webcast, we concentrate on security and manageability, beginning with a look at the Reporting Services security model, the sources of security information, and the security roles associated with reports and servers. Gain an understanding of the performance bene...

MSDN Webcast: Introduction to SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (Part 6 of 6) (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Spyware is software that is installed without the user's knowledge or consent, and collects and reports information about the user's computer use and Web surfing activities. Spyware threatens businesses of all sizes, endangering customer privacy, financial data security, and other proprietary information. Spyware comes in a variety of forms that range from Internet usage tracking to the theft of sensitive information. This webcast explains what spyware is and details the threats associated wi...

TechNet Webcast: Protecting Your Business from Spyware (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Reduce troubleshooting time and improve your planning capabilities with Microsoft Windows Server System Center Reporting Manager 2005. In this webcast, learn the basics on System Center Reporting Manager 2005 architecture and the best practices for deployment. Presenter: Mike Mitchell, Senior Program Manager, System Center Reporting Manager, Microsoft CorporationTo avoid possible problems, we suggest you temporarily disable pop-up blocker software before viewing the webcast.View other sessions...

TechNet Webcast: Introducing Systems Center Reporting Manager 2005: Understanding, Architecting and Deploying (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 fundamentally changes the way developers work with Web applications. This webcast discusses those changes and shows how they affect both development and deployment. Once you understand how ASP.NET 2.0 performs its parsing and compilation, you will see why it is one of the most flexible Web development environments available today. We explore options ranging from complete source deployment to binary-only deployment.    Presenter: Fritz Onion, Partner, Pluralsight, LLCFr...

MSDN Webcast: Essential ASP.NET for the Web Developer (Part 9 of 15): Deployment (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

As the expectations of association members continue to rise, associations are seeking effective ways to attract new members and improve service to their existing members. Integrated technology solutions can help lower your total cost of ownership, increase staff efficiency, and improve member relationships. Protech Associates has developed an integrated Microsoft solution for associations, which includes Protech Customer Relationship Management for Members, Microsoft Business Solutions for Cust...

Momentum Webcast: An Integrated Microsoft Solution for Membership Associations (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Does your current database system ensure that critical enterprise data always remains available? Microsoft SQL Server 2005 introduces several new technologies to dramatically improve this critical function. This webcast discusses the various features in SQL Server 2005 that can help you deliver high availability: Failover Clustering, Database Mirroring, Peer-to-Peer Replication, Database Snapshots, Snapshot Isolation, and Online Index Operations. An overview shows how you can use these technolo...

TechNet Webcast: An Introduction to How SQL Server 2005 Can Help You Deliver Highly Available Database Systems (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

If you are involved in branch office technologies, you need the most reliable and efficient means for remote replication of large blocks of data. Join this webcast for a comprehensive view of the Branch Office Technologies in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2. The presentation begins by introducing the new Distributed File System (DFS) replication engine. Learn about the feature set that enables DFS to efficiently replicate large quantities of data over Wide Area Networks. This presentation revi...

TechNet Webcast: Branch Office Technologies in Windows Server 2003 R2 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Find out how to avoid rewriting all your legacy Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) objects by just using them directly in your Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0 applications! This webcast illustrates how the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 gives you an easier way to incorporate your existing native COM objects into your managed applications. See demonstrations that guide you through the steps to prepare COM objects, incorporate them into a .NET Compact Framework 2.0 project, and call them f...

MSDN Webcast: Incorporating COM Objects into Your .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Application (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Need a solution that can help your company save time, reduce errors, and be more productive? Join us for this webcast to learn how Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting 2006 helps you share information with other Microsoft Office System products, such as Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Microsoft Office Access 2003, and Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update.Presenter: Darin Browning, Technical Evangelist, Microsoft CorporationDarin Bro...

Small Business Webcast: Finding a Solution for Managing Your Business with Small Business Accounting 2006 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Writing accurate and interesting job descriptions is no longer the exclusive domain of human resources. Employees at all levels are being called upon to capture the essence of the roles that people fulfill within their departments. Whether you are writing a single job description or several, join us for an interactive webcast that shows you how to compose an effective job description. Learn more than how to compile clear and concise job descriptions. Hear what information is absolutely necessar...

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Write Effective Job Descriptions with Help from Work Essentials (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This webcast explores the three key areas of the upcoming Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2: Branch Office, Storage Management and Active Directory Federation Services. Learn how Windows Server 2003 R2 extends Windows Server 2003, providing the most efficient way to manage and control access to local and remote resources while easily integrating into your existing Windows Server 2003 environment. It also enables new scenarios including simplified branch server management, efficient storage manag...

TechNet Webcast: Windows Server 2003 R2 End-to-End (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Go graphical with scripts that utilize the HTML Application (HTA) format. See how you can use Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition to create scripts with a robust graphical user interface. In this webcast you will learn how HTAs work, what their capabilities and limitations are, and a step-by-step methodology for creating HTAs from scratch. You will also find out how to keep HTAs bug-free and how to debug them quickly when bugs do creep in. Presenter: Don Jones, Microsoft MVP, Book Author,...

TechNet Webcast: Mastering HTML Applications (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Are you new to Internet Information Server? Have you been assigned to deploy 200 Web servers in the next year, but you don't want to configure all of those servers individually? Relax: use IIS Manager to create a set of sites and virtual directories and enable security for those Web servers. In this webcast, you find out how to use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) scripts to easily and quickly create websites and other key metabase objects. After finishing this webcast, you receive samp...

TechNet Webcast: Automate, Automate, and Automate More: Scripting IIS 6.0 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

GreenStone Farm Credit Services was burdened with inflexible technology that inhibited its business growth. GreenStone used Microsoft Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to empower its employees with 360-degree visibility of their customers, enabling its staff to anticipate the needs of their customers and provide agile financial solutions. GreenStone has since expanded its services and profits. In this webcast, learn how your bank or credit union can use Microsoft CRM to reduce the amount o...

Momentum Webcast: How GreenStone Farm Credit Services Grows it Businesses By Improving the Customer Experience: Best Practices for Community Banks and Credit Unions (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

If you are like many Microsoft Office product users, the year 2000 is alive and well in your favorite productivity applications. Let go of the past and step into a new era of workplace computing by learning tips and tricks for the Microsoft Office System. Find out how the capabilities of Microsoft Office Excel 2003 have evolved beyond those of Microsoft Office Excel 2000 in this informative webcast. Learn how to turn data into practical information with powerful tools that enable you to analyze...

Microsoft Office System Webcast: My How You've Changed: Side-by-Side Tips for Excel 2000 and Excel 2003 (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Work items are used to capture everything from requirements to bugs and are at the heart of the team productivity in Visual Studio 2005 Team System. At any point in your software development lifecycle, an organization may need to change the data they are gathering, or gather a new type of data altogether. Everything from the data being collected in the work item to the way it is visualized can be customized in Visual Studio 2005 Team System. This webcast will illustrate how a new work item ...

MSDN Architecture Webcast: Designing a New Work Item Type Definition and Form (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft patterns & practices provide task-oriented guidance to help you improve security for your Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 applications. This webcast discusses the patterns & practices approach to security engineering and provides an overview of the different guidance modules. You will learn where to find prereleased and released guidance and view a demonstration of the security guidance available in an ASP.NET 2.0 application.Presenter: Keith Brown, Partner, Pluralsight & Fritz Onion, Partner, ...

MSDN Webcast: patterns & practices Guidelines to ASP.NET Security (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

How does your organization procure mobile devices? How do you support them? Do you know how to update them? What do you do when they start getting "old"? Do you have an effective plan to repurpose or retire them? Join this webcast to learn the best practices for managing Windows Mobile devices in the corporate environment, from initial deployment through end of life. We examine secure manageability options for Windows Mobile from a device perspective and a server perspective. We discuss native ...

TechNet Webcast: Lifecycle Management of Windows Mobile-based Devices (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Are you using patterns & practices in your projects? Perhaps you are wondering what our plans are for the future, what projects we have in the works and the projected delivery dates. After all, you have planning to do, so the patterns & practices group wants to be open with you about our plans. Please send questions for the meeting to askpnp@microsoft.com and join us for an informative meeting.Presenter: Ron Jacobs, PRODUCT MANAGER, Microsoft CorporationRon Jacobs is a product manager for the...

MSDN Architecture Webcast: Quarterly What-We-Are-Up-To Meeting (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Security is a critical element in keeping e-mail and collaboration systems available and performing optimally. Downtime and network bottlenecks caused by viruses, worms and spam threaten the very productivity these applications are designed to enable. Sybari antivirus and anti-spam solutions provide a layered defense strategy that can help significantly reduce the impact of these threats to Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server and Microsoft Office Live Communicat...

Momentum Webcast: Securing E-mail and Collaboration Servers (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Application development and application maintenance are no longer separate. Closing the loop between operations and development is critical for keeping the total cost of operations down. In this webast, learn how Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System and AVIcode Intercept Studio 2.3 extend the capabilities of Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005. AVIcode Intercept Studio and MOM 2005 provide the foundation for "friction-free" application health modeling and operational monitoring of distr...

TechNet Webcast: MOM and AVIcode: Incorporating the Operations Perspective in Dynamic Systems Initiative (Level 200)