Reviews 52263 Published by has posted an article about Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

A little more than a year ago, Windows Vista was finally brought to daylight in its final, official form. As XP was getting obsolete already (it had spent 5 years on the market as the dominating OS), a quick transition to the new operating system was expected. Yet besides the strong marketing campaign and hype, it simply never happened like that. Alongside the new fancy interface and DirectX 10 support, Vista brought nothing new in the eyes of the ordinary user. A load of bugs, unacceptably high hardware requirements and a lot of unsupported hardware/software (the extreme example of this being Microsoft's own Fingerprint Reader, which claims Vista support on the packaging, but to this day has no 64-bit Vista drivers whatsoever) altogether made users frown at the option of migrating to Vista. With time, the situation improved, but not substantially, so Microsoft had to speed things up a little and introduce the first service pack for Vista, which should either remove or rectify the noticed problems to a certain extent.
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Review