Compatibility Reports for Mavis Beacon 5.0 Teaches Typing

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

I got this application to work on Windows 2000 SP3 by setting the shortcut to Windows 98 compatibility mode. I had to set it to Windows 98 twice though. The first time I set it to Windows 98 it actually was runnning in NT4 SP5 Emulation mode. Lame no?
I can't comment on whether or not Win2K SP2 would work, but I'm willing to assume it would work too. Also it's best if you set your desktop to 640x480 before running this. The application can't be resized and has a base resolution of 640x480 anyhow.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

Before install finishes, says "Needs to run under Win95".