2195 + Nvidia vanta???

Here is the problem I am having. I just installed version 2195 and everything is up and running but I can't get the drivers for the vanta card to work. I have installed 3. 65, 3. 56 and some others I had laying around.

Windows Hardware 9627 This topic was started by ,


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Joined 1999-12-04
Here is the problem I am having. I just installed version 2195 and everything is up and running but I can't get the drivers for the vanta card to work. I have installed 3.65, 3.56 and some others I had laying around. All come up with the same thing, Error 10: Cannot start device. I have been reading around and it could possibly be a setting in the motherboard. I have worked on it for hours! Still nothing. I heard that one of the problems could be that it's not assigning a irq to the card. When I turn that on in the bios I get a black screen on load up. I have had to go back to a old 4 meg card just so I can get above 16 colors. If you have this card or anything that might help me fix this problem please let me know!

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