Can't shutdown, restart, log off

Can't shutdown, restart, log off win2000 any solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Windows Hardware 9627 This topic was started by ,


1 Posts
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Joined 2004-10-14
Can't shutdown, restart, log off win2000
any solution..............

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1 Posts
Location -
Joined 2004-10-14
i have exactly the same problem on my w2k machine. Task manager is disabled as well. i have run virus checker but nothing was found.
please help!!!


1 Posts
Location -
Joined 2004-10-14
Try this out...!!!
Go to Control Panel...
Select Administrative Tools...
Than select Local Security Setting
Check the policy and find the policy to Shut Down System Immediately...Enable that and this will shut Down Immediately...
Good Luck..!!! 8)