Stop that spammer.

This person/bot yutao is really spamming all across net: Including NT Compatible's forums. .

Slack Space 1613 This topic was started by ,

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Responses to this topic


1457 Posts
Location -
Joined 2001-12-18
Just so that you know that you are not the only one irritated by yutao, I agree that he should asked to leave since all he does is tout his software. I sent him a message through these forums asking him to look at the dates to see that some of his posts referred to problems that were months and even years old when he first got on. And like you, it is preplexing to see that he does nothing but advise people to use his software.
There are a lot of sincere people who come to this forum baffled by (or in a complete panic about)the behavior of their computers, and there are equally a lot of well-intentioned folks on this forum that try to help resolve those problems. Whether his software is good or not, there is a deception on his part that he is truly proferring a solution when he is simply using their vulnerability to his advantage.
Banning an individual is serious, but this fellow has a proven track record for "spamming". In the meantime, I wonder if the moderators could edit his posts by at least removing the forwarding urls and placing a message in his post "Edited by Moderator" to at least alert the reader that there is something amiss about his post.


513 Posts
Location -
Joined 2005-02-12
I'm in agreement with both of you, and have said so in response to some of his posts in other threads. Some people just need their IP burned, they are not contributing, they are only promoting themselves.
As far as I was always concerned, this was, and is, a help forum, not an advertising board.
This guy/gal has got to go. ;(


397 Posts
Location -
Joined 2005-06-17
I have to agree with all of you. That yutao is a P.I.T.A. IS there nothing in the T.O.S. that it can be called on.
Many times I have come online to help someone only to find that it has posted to a posting from 4 months to 2 years ago.
From what Philipp has told me, there will be the ability to lock old posts in the next upgrade. So that should help abit.